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+1 (361) 437-0653



Do you own a laptop, table, mobile cell phone and have those all connected to the internet? Do you use a wireless router at home? Are your devices ever connected to public hot spots?

If you answered yes to any of these then your private data is exposed! It's that simple. Attacks ranging from wireless exploitation, password cracking, vulnerable systems that lack detection and mitigation are a problem of almost all residential users. Ask us how we can help!

Hackers are craving this day, and residential users will be the most impacted! Information Security is no longer an idea or a concept, it's a necessity. Contact us to learn more about the vast residential information security services we can offer. Information security is not just for businesses, it's for everyone who connects to the internet.

Information Security Assessment

Includes penetration testing of desktop, laptops, and wireless environments. This test exposes any existing vulnerabilities that carry the ability of exploitation of personal files, and confidential data. Lastly provides a detailed recommendations remediation report tohelp mitigate threats and vulnerabilities. Recommended scan at least semi-annually.

Residential Wireless and Systems Designs

Provides clients with the recommended best practices in wireless security for residential systems. Ideal for small office home offices. This includes configuration of security services.

Residential Wireless Auditing

Includes auditing of wireless traffic, sniffing of packets, and penetration of wireless cracking tactics. This will uncover weak wireless vulnerabilities in the airway as well as password cracking visibility. Lastly provides a detailed recommendations

Password Cracking Services

Inject brute force attacks, dictionary attacks, rainbow table attacks, and cryptanalysis attacks to gauge the password strength of multiple systems (e.g.) wireless routers, tablets, mobile devices, & Laptops or small servers.

CCTV Forensics

The Forensic Analysis of CCTV footage can assist in the identification of individuals, vehicles, time of day or determine the timeline for a sequence of events. Our experts will rebuild the video footage ensuring it remains true to the original content using specialist software, equipment and recovery techniques.

We are a family owned and operated industrial engineering and services company that provides the best Engineering services. Give us a call today for a free assessment. Using our extensive knowledge and 30+ years experience, we can solve your needs. We specialize in helping people new to technologies become comfortable with them.

5803 Rain Creek Pkwy

Austin, TX 78759

Central Texas: +1 (512) 663-8137

South Texas:   +1 (361) 437-0653